Czech Farma ACHALTEKE - Hodějov u Strakonic  
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Date of birth:

* 14.8.2007


partbred stallion


dark golden bay



The part of another breed in pedigree:

0,8 % English thoroughbred


Mr. Miroslav Křen


Mrs. Edita Sluková


55.000,- (booked)


Pyširdy (2007) Polotlize Pjakize 914 Poloti
1778 Eserdže
Gagara 1051 Gornyj Klad 6
1737 Gjoze
Mathan Mamed 943 Arslan
1998 Malva
Marinar Graut 10
Markiza 11


Strong stallion with perfect type and very good movements. Pyshirdy is high comunicative and he willingly cooperates with people. He´s not skittish and he´s suitable for endurance or three days eventing.

He belongs to sireline Peren. Stallion 779 Peren (711Erkus (Skak) x 1321 Pobeda (Ak Belek)) was born in Turkmenistan in 1955 and he was evaluated in class Elite. He became the champion of the breed in the 1967. He rode in 4 horseraces and he won 3 times. The injury stoped his racing career. Everything about Peren was passing. His sons stallions 914 Polotli and Kambar became the pride of the Turkmenistan. In stud is very good combination of the sireline Peren with lines Kaplan, Kir Sakar and Karlavach.

From datas out of the year 1986 belonged to sireline Peren 15 stallions and 45 mares – so the percentage of the line was 7,7%. The data from the year 1993 are following: 23 stallions and 67 mares, 7,4 %.

Sirelinee Peren belongs to the modern, very favorite and sport lines of the Akhalteke breed.

Stallion 914 Polotli became the champion of the breed in the year 1973.

Another photos:

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