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Ich.,Ch., Kch. Edie Zlatá Studánka

Best puppy, 28x CAC, 8x res. CAC, 6x RESERVÉ CACIB, 10x CACIB, 10x BOB, 5x Anw.Dt.VDH, 2x reservé Anw.Dt.VDH, club champion, 1x club winner, Cena diváků, OV, VTM, Interchampion, Czech champion, Polish champion, Austrian champion, German champion, Grand champion

Date of birth:

* 10.5.2006

† 7.6.2013


Caucasian Sheplerd

Stallion dog

Classification numbers:

2,0 A,ab,0,1,1,0 /PRV/44455

- Classification index is here.

- for the duration of protection may be female dog accommodate


Edie Zlatá Studánka


Edieho - we're purchase in June 2006 near P. Mgr. Stefana Nosala. Is typical kavkazacke temper, but very obedient, at walk on leisure always revocable, incredible friendly with, whatever foreign live on courtship can save only much fast flight behind fence, otherwise hasn't chance. Otherwise to pets (his) worthy and ochranaosky. It is middle dog, with hairy-chested head, strong skeleton, with rich fur.

Caucasian herdsman dog (also Caucasian oveak or Kavkazak) is fearless, safe protector, which preferably he feels in big families resident on cottage with big lots, where has sufficient option voluntary movements. For sporting kynologii much accident, must but already from a child educational listen. K his education is necessary venison measure patience, consistency and bezvyjimeene authorities without jakehokoliv force. Therefore is necessary start with education from under stioatka to already from a child knew where in 'smeece' belong and each possible aggressive act must at once in embryo suppress. Kavkazaci they are very much dominant and behind 'vudce smeeky' repudiate no loath, timid, pending and unstable men.

Allusion to this breed they are already 600 years old, but estimate , that this breed is much older. Rozsioeni they are mainly in zone poedkavkazska and zakavkazska, territory, prostirajici north of Caucasian comb till to Kumsko-manyeske snizenini between black and Caspian sea and farther till to border Iranu and Turkey. In these rugged area protect this Caucasian herdsman dog fold before lubber, wolf et al. beast of pray also object, garden and location before thieves. It explanation his size and power.

Kavkazaci they are big, robust muscular doggery. They have different colours, mostly eernosedou or rusty, sometime also strawy yellow and himself also white. Their hair is rough, similar hair ursine, whereby form as vzrustem, that way also look. According hair distinction breed dlouhosrsta, kratkosrsta and is also many temporary type, when for instance is absent mane or fleecy trail.

Caucasian they are resistant doggery, who without bigger problem stand each weather conditions, they have-li snug place, where they can put by. For choice they are but in proximity his master, and therefore is possible is keep also in residence; of course with option out outdoor. Kavkazak it takes with look-out very much really, because it they are his aboriginal abilities. Harshness and no-confidence to foreign is near he just as natural like a attachment his messieurs. His instinct protect is deeply ingrained. In this strike uncontrollable, on the proviso that him somebody start train like a militant doggery. With respect to his power and size is something similar quite devil-may-care. When it will perhaps, that way this dog will exactly know, what has do.

Exhibition site:

30.9.2006 Klubová výstava Zbraslav - Velmi nadějná 1

03.6.2007 Výstava Klatovy V1, VTM

05.7.2007 Praha - Černošice V1

29.9.2007 Zbraslav V2

30.3.2008 Újezd nad Lesy –Special show V1, CAC ČR

12.4.2008 Plavecky Stvrtok VD3

20.4.2008 IHA Ceske Budijovice V1, CAC, CACIB

17.5.2008 KV Plzeň open V1,VT

14.6.2008 Podbrdská show doggery Rokycany connection with easy chair show V1,CAC

22.6.2008 Klatovy V1, VT, Region winner

20.7.2008 Mladá Boleslav V1, CAC

23.8.2008 Club show Brno - Liseo V1, CAC

27.9.2008 MVP C.Budejovice V1, CAC, Reserve CACIB - thereby performance appreciation on title Club champion

5.10.2008 Club show Praha V1, CAC

9.11.2008 Poznaň, Poland Internationale dog schow V1, CAC, Reservé CACIB

18.11.2008 MVP Praha V1, CAC

6.12.2008 IHA Wels Austria V1, CAC

7.12.2008 IHA Wels Austria V1, CAC, Reserve CACIB

11.1.2009 Austrian Innsbruck IHA V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

18.1.2009 Expo Nurnberg Germany V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

7.2. - 8.2.2009 DUO - CACIB Brno 2xV2, 2x Res. CAC

8.3.2009 München Germany V2, res. CAC, res. CACIB

26.4.2009 Expo doggery Czech Budijovice V1,CAC, CACIB - performance standard for conferment Czech championship and Intersampion

3.5.2009 MV Prague V1,CAC,CACIB,BOB

17.5.2009 regional show in Polish Jelenie Gore won V2

24.5.2009 Leszno MV V1,CAC,CACIB,BOB + elite dog

5.7.2009 National show Poland Bielsko Biala V1, CAC, Elite dog - performance standard for conferment Polish champion

19.7.2009 Mladá Boleslv ( national show) V2, res. CAC

2.8.2009 National show Poland Legnice V1, CAC,elite dog,BOB

22.8.2009 Wels Rakousko V2, Res. CAC

4.10.2009 Austria Tulln V1,CACA, BOB

17.1.2010 Germany Nürnberg V1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, Anw. Dt Ch VDH

11.4.2010 Austria IHA Wieselburg V1, CACA, Res. CACIB + CHAMPION of AUSTRIA

12.6.-13.6.2010 National and International Exhibition of Erfurt (Germany) 2x V1, 2x CAC, 2x Anw. Dt. Ch.VDH, 1x CACIB, 2x BOB

21.8.2010 National Exhibition Lipzing (Germany) V2, res. CAC, Res. CACIB, res. Anw. Dt. Ch VDH

22.8.2010 International Exhibition Lipzing (Germany) 1, CAC, Anw. Dt. Ch VDH - und so gewann den Titel Deutscher Champion

24.4.2011 International Exhibition of Czech Budejovice V1,CAC

11.6.2011 Rokycany Club show V3

10.9.2011 Club show Zbraslav u Brna V1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB

11.9.2011 Special Exhibition Zbraslav u Brna V1, CAC and fulfilled conditions for Grand Champion title

2.10.2011 V2, Res.CAC Club show Prague

9.10.2011 International Czech Budejovice V1, CAC, CACIB

6.11.2011 International Prague V2, Res.CAC

Mating Overview:

Ajsha Badoza CMKU/KAO/3074/07/09

  • březost potvrzena rezervace štěňátek na tel.čísle +420 774324190 (p. Ždímal)
  • webové stránky Ajshy

21.9.2010 born eight puppies (3 girls + 5 boys )

Another photos:

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Father - Urhan Moskovskiy:

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Mother - Alissa Zlatá studánka:

_alissa_03.jpg _alissa_02.jpg _alissa_01.jpg


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Edie x Ajsha puppies (7 days):


Štěňata Edie x Ajsha (26 dní):

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Attila Megavampír ( stáří 5 měsíců) ( Multi.Ch.,ICh. Edie Zlatá Studánka x Ajsha)

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Aladin Megavampir:

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