Czech Farma ACHALTEKE - Hodějov u Strakonic  
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Date of birth:

* 22.5.2015


purebred colt




Wiktor Korik


Edita Sluková

Measures (cm):

KVH  -  ŠDT  -   OH   -  OHOL
161  -  160  -  172   -  18,5
(measured 2017)


 pedigree: 7.8          type: 7.8
 exterier: 7.5          measurements: 9.0
 performance: 0.0       quality of descendants: 0.0
 class I, I. cat.  - stud farm Hodějov


bay, 2015
1974, Pair,
hnědák, 2011
hnědák, 2003
hnědák, 1998
1095, Polot,
buckskin, 1988
2965, Fonema 132,
bay, 1987
2883, Pampa,
bělka, 1987
1048, Glazok 11
1834, Pariza, 1976
plavka, 1997
1093, Perchat,
hnědák, 1975
914, Polotli,
zl. plavák, 1965
1646, Perizad, 1965
Dongola1039, Galkan,
ryzák, 1985
2248, Dilemma,
palomino, 1987
golden bay, 1995
1038, Gaisan 7,
bay, 1985
985, Dagestan,
buckskin, 1976
935, Yulduz,
golden bay, 1962
1658, Fakiya,
golden buckskin, 1965
1919, Gaya,
black, 1979
866, Vatanchi, 1970
1458, Golubka, 1970
2158, Bazilik,
light bay, 1982
919, Sere,
golden buckskin, 1965
579, Sinok
1195, Enysh
1434, Aragva,
golden bay, 1965
697, Gelishikli, 1949
1108, Alkeik, 1953


August 2017, Pairgib was successfully returned to the herd after the front leg convalescence. It is suitable for breeding and sports. Pairbig is a stallion of brilliant type, has excellent movement, very high 160cm at two years and massive skeleton, peaceful character.

Father: Pair is the perfect stallion character in perfect type of a perfect movement evaluated Elite II. In 2012 he became European champion - class annual Stallions - Best yearling Attest first grade. In 2014, the Pair won the European championship in Germany I. place and champion of the 3-4 year old stallions in addition won the overall victory in the championship BEST OF BEST, in 2015 in the evaluation of horses in Europe won in its category and 3rd place diploma III. degree.

Fatyh - type 7.6, exterior 8.0, 154cm, 19.0 - born on February 16 2003, after Feisal's father, mother Glazok the Pampa, El line, born in the Stavropol stud graduated Körung stallions 2006 in Munich, premium stallion candidate,First Stallion Exhibition Achalteke category and overall winner of all breeds show (Munich-Riem, 2005). Vizechampion Championship in Russia from Piatigorsky, 2007 Winner of the equestrian elite championship in Solms, Father premium foals as well as the father of the winning foal Achalteke category and overall winner foal championship in Solms 2007th

Stallion Feisal (Polot-Fonema),(159-179-19,0) - Reserve Junior World Champion 2000, Junior Champion of Russia 2000; Reserve World Champion 2001, Reserve Champion of Russia 2001. Buckskin, born 05.03.1998, be dry and regular exterior constitution Stallion Faisal was born in Stavropol Stud.

Polot was born in 1985 in Turkmenistan. Father was excellent Sovkhoz 2, born in 1978 in a village in Turkmenistan Babarab the stallion Gindukush (El) from the mare Okis 8 (Ak Belek). Sovkhoz 2 races are grazing did not participate in it cattle, poor quality of care associated with lack of feed resulted devastation horse and the evacuation of horses to slaughter. Fortunately, the officer noticed him kolkhozu and rescued him was included into groups of labor horses. Sovchoz 2 attended marches Endurance Aschabad-Kuska-Aschabad, Aschabad-Wrought Ugrec-and-Ashgabat Ashkhabad-Moscow) in the year 1988. U new owners had recovered and was used as the tabun mare units or mares in the mountains.Here you noticed it, and experts recommend it for use in pure breeding. As a sire was an amazing set up his own mare is linii. Mares Polot Sacharnaja, cremelo the stallion Yalta (Karlavach), daughter of the best sector, mares Sabyrli (Skak). Polot been underestimated, and so was sold to Dagestan, where in the first year gave the champion of the breed Alamanni (the excellent daughter Derbentovy Ajchanum). Alaman proved himself a successful sire sired champion Russia r.2001, golden buckskin Ajlazata. Alaman children grow up in Azerbaijan and in the Stavropol stud in Rusku. Potomci semidarkness not only highly valued because it represents a well-type origin and quality, but also because of its výkonnosti. Polot on Russian championship in 1988, located and obtained a diploma II. level. Was horse rather middle frame (157-158-176-19,0​​), very good type, regular and exterior dry constitution. Polot ran into 4 years of races (22 starts, 3 wins, 4th in the price Kalina). Another of the many successful descendants of Manasseh, my name 2001 from the World Champion mare Mušmula, swimwear Mugdza the mare Maja Ruska Palvan Champion mare of Platinum, a great racehorse mare Piastre of Pudok Chan derde Paradoks winner., Polot died in 2002

(info text podle Petra Marešová)

Matka: Bibigiz je zlatá hnědka linie Gelishikli, pocházející z rodiny Alkeik. Narodila se v roce 1995 v hřebčíně Stavropol, Rusko. Její rodokmen je pozoruhodný - její otec 1038 Gaisan 7 je syn 985 Dagestána a klisna 2158 Bazilik je dcera zakladatele linie Sere.Bibigiz je hodnocena Elita III. V roce 2015 získala v rámci hodnocení koní v Evropě 3. místo a Diplom II. stupně

Bibigiz má více jak polovinu svých potomků hodnocenou (zařazenou) v kategorii ELITA.

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